Canupa Band:Get Canupa Band (free) and make music with your friends!
Featuring four different animal kids with great instruments:
- Kitten Percussion
- Hamster Trumpet
- Crocodile Ukulele
- Puppy Calimba
Tap a pet to hear super cute animal sounds:
- hear the cat meow
- let the hamster nibble
- watch the crocodile snap
- make the puppy bark
Cute looking animals and easy playable instruments make Canupa Band a great app for kids!
Take a whole set of fun instruments with you.
Play nice african or latino rhythms with the percussion cat.
Choose the dog to play sweet calimba tunes.
Rock the croc ukulele for a while!
Be Louis Satchmo Hamster Armstrong and play the trumpet!
Your children will love this fun app!
--- out now: Canupa Band deluxe ---
Canupa Band deluxe features four additional instruments!
The Octopus Organ:
- one full octave (13 keys)
- multitouch & slide
- four groovy sounds (e.g. hammond organ)
The Ducky Xylophone:
- slide through an octave, 9 keys
The Grashopper Violin:
- play wonderful tunes by sliding over the fingerboard
The Turtle Maracas:
- tap or shake for some great rattle rhythms
And we will add MORE instruments in the future.
All instruments are tuned in e-major, so they sound good together.
But that is not all!
- Time Limit:
If you don't want your kids to play videogames all day put the app to sleep after a given time - literally!
It was never easier to make your kids turn off the device.
No more struggle, no more nagging.
- Sound Volume Limit:
Prevent ear damage by limiting the maximum sound volume.
This is particularly important when you let your kids play with earphones!
What users say:
"My 18months old daughter loves playing this game. She's totally hooked."
"This app is really cute lol."
"My kids love this app"
-visit our website: canupa.com
-follow us on Twitter: twitter.com/canupa
-watch our videos on YouTube: youtube.com/canupacom
-add us on Myspace: myspace.com/canupa