首页 >> 苹果游戏 >> 空间狼
+1顶(1018) +1踩(322)
  • 资费:免费
  • 开 发 商:yong tae cho
  • 软件语言:英语
  • 类 型:动作游戏
  • 特 征:动作,射击,
  • 适用固件:需要 iOS 3.1.3 或更高版本


空间狼:? Introduction of Space wolf
This the game, coming from outer space to attack the enemy ship to avoid defeat is a game
Many enemy attacks by avoiding the enemy is defeated is the aim to get as many points as
A huge variety of ship and the ship shot down, please stay alive as long as possible

? Support
Q. Game doesn't work or the speed is slow.
A. Multiple applications with multitasking function may be in operation and no reboot for a long time, so this can be happened by the lack of necessary memory capacity. Please stop operating applications or reboot your device.

Q. Additional 1 USD was paid except application price.
A. This is a confirmation process for your credit card at registration or update of your card. This will be paid back right after, so please don't worry.

Q. How to pay back.
A. It will be made by Apple Inc, please contact Apple.

Q. When application update or download again after deletion, should I pay again?
A. No, if you already purchased it before with the same account, it's free.

Q. Do you have any idea or suggestion to improve this application to developer?
A. Please email at limestudio@limestudio.kr. My company is trying to make application with users together and reflect your opinions to the next update if possible. If you send your ideas or suggestion, we will express your nick name in the game elements or in the special thanks. Moreover, we will provide you with next game by free with our thanks. Please email me in English or Korean.

Q. When will this application updated?
A. We will promise to update continuously to improve the quality with new ideas and more contents. We hope you are waiting for the gradually upgrading application.

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