首页 >> 苹果游戏 >> 彩虹银离子
+1顶(925) +1踩(300)
  • 资费:免费
  • 开 发 商:Rogue Pirate Ninja Interactive, LLC
  • 软件语言:英语
  • 类 型:益智休闲
  • 特 征:休闲,解谜,重力,
  • 适用固件:需要 iOS 3.1.3 或更高版本


彩虹银离子:Mind bending color matching with a rotary twist!

Rotate a circular mesh grid overtop a gravity well to catch collapsing colored blocks as they fall inwards in this connect-4 style color matching puzzle game. When four colored blocks are positioned next to each other, their energies combine causing a cascading wave of particle inversing destruction outwards. The more blocks destroyed, the more points you earn. Are you ready for a mind warp?


* Simple & addictive gameplay just by swiping left and right, with two game modes and three difficulty levels to replay and master, along with combos, wild-card blocks, and more.

* Polished visuals using the geWiz ES mobile engine technology. Three alternating themes, animated menus and backgrounds, all in 3D.

* Atmospheric soundtrack that puts you in the game. Listen to the included soundtrack, or play your own music. Or just mute while playing.

* Submit your scores online to compete with your friends and even the world. Check your scores in-game or online to see where the competition is at.

* Save your game for later. With auto-save you won't miss the high score just because you had to take a call or respond to a text.

* Customizable options including colorblind mode, alternating or fixed theme selection, and even settings to take advantage of the extra graphics power on newer devices.


ABOUT THE DEVELOPERS: Rogue Pirate Ninja Interactive are committed to bringing you a notoriously ridiculous gameplay experience using the latest and greatest ideas and technology with a methodology derived from the traits of the Rogue, the Pirate, and the Ninja!

Also check out our other title, 'Tower Assault! Curse of Zombie Island' on the App Store!

Connect with us using the following links:
WWW: www.roguepirateninja.com
FACEBOOK: http://on.fb.me/bNkt4t
TWITTER: http://twitter.com/rpninteractive

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