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连升茶馆 HD Poker Tractor Tea House
  • 资费:收费
  • 开 发 商:Bo Huang
  • 软件语言:英语
  • 类 型:棋牌娱乐
  • 特 征:棋牌,
  • 适用固件:需要 iOS 3.0 或更高版本


连升茶馆 HD Poker Tractor Tea House:麻将茶馆PK版(免费)上线啦!更多好玩的游戏概念包含其中,快快去尝试吧!
拖拉机牌戏,又称升级,双升,或八十分等。我们先推出两副牌的双升,三副牌选项很快出笼。‘连升茶馆’强调人工智能的设计, 力争让电脑牌手少出昏招, 并使用部分通用信号(详见帮助), 陪同玩家在牌友不凑手时过把瘾。当然再强大的AI也不如牌友们的智慧, 因此游戏同时支持蓝牙对联, 局域网用户互联, 和苹果游戏中心联网对战。让天南海北的或是同楼的朋友们安坐各自屋中即可酣战几百回合。
游戏说明, 名词定义, 多人对战启动步骤和系统支持的信号等中英文介绍全部内嵌在‘设置’和‘帮助’中。,
我们为玩友提供多种选项, 如:可亮无主, 一J到2等, 均可自由取舍。支持后台播放iPod的同时, 系统还提供多种方言音效, 用户可为四家牌手任意指派。请开始游戏前务必进入茶壶菜单察看设置。
连升茶馆仍然是万能通用版(universal), 同版默认不同苹果设备的分辨率和尺寸。付费一次即可适用自己所有的苹果硬件。相比其它需要分别购买的或者所谓兼容iPad的iphone游戏, 性价比绝对优越。
如果您在玩乐的过程中发现bug或是有任何好的建议,恳请致信 support@pharose.com 我们不能保证游戏是完美的, 但可以承诺任何的意见和问题都会被认真倾听和耐心答复;并且随时收集用户的建议不断升级改进。感谢朋友们支持我们自主研发为国人量身打造的游戏产品。
A very popular card game in China, names 'poker tractor' or 'poker escalator'. The game logic is a little similar as famous games Bridge or Spades. You have 1 partner and 2 opponents to compete. But poker tractor has more fun and surprises than other card games. Here the luck and destiny might be the top keys comparing to the techniques and skills.
Unlike the regular card game, it is generally played in 1 up to 6 decks of 54 cards. 'Poker Tractor Tea House' starts from 2 decks of cards which is the most popular rule for 4 players. We'll add up 3 or more decks options in upgrades.
Same as the 'Chinese Majiang Tea House' and 'Spade7 Tea House', The major feature of this app is still the strong AI designed to challenge you. However no matter how smart the AI player is, it couldn't completely beat the creative and sensational human being intelligence. Therefore we also support Bluetooth, WiFi connection and Apple Game Center for players to enjoy the poker tractor with buddies in the same building or friends online.
This is the only bilingual (English/Chinese) version Poker Tractor in App Store. All detailed User Guide, Game Rules,Definitions,Signal & Tips, as well as Multi Players Instructions are embedded in 'Set up' and 'help'.
We provide variations of game rules as many as we can. So please go through the Help from Menu first, then set up your own options.
The default voice effect is female English. Meanwhile in 'Set up' you can still opt in voice effects for you and AI players with assorted Chinese local accents for fun. The game supports playing your iPod too.
It is also a universal version to fit all your Apple devices. Comparing to those separately charged versions, or iphone apps so called compatible to iPad, you only pay once but get all your own devices HD effects to enjoy, isn't it perfect?
Please feel free to contact us at support@pharose.com for questions and comments. We always collect users' feedback to improve our product meeting customers' satisfactions.

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